
.eu domain names

.EU is the domain name extension specifically dedicated European Union. It works just like all the other domain extensions, such as .com, .net,, .me etc. This makes it an ideal alternative and unique identifier for websites and email addresses.

The extension is suitable for individuals, businesses, organisations who have a registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Union.

The European Union has over 500 million citizens in 27 countries so expanding your online business on .eu domain name will shows your involvement in the growing economy of the entire European Union.

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.EU FAQsFrequently asked questions

  • Why .eu?

    .eu has been introduced specifically to identify European organisations on the web. The idea behind .eu is to indicate that the holder of the .eu domain name has a presence in the European Community.

  • How much does .eu registration cost?

    Costs for .eu domain registration can be found in our price list.

  • Who can register .eu?

    All applications for .eu domains must be submitted with a European address. Applicants must also meet one of the following criteria:

    • Your registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;
    • Organisations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law; OR
    • Natural person's resident within the European Community.
  • How can I register a .eu domain name?

    As long as you are eligible (see above) you can register a .eu domain name with Easyspace. Registrations of .eu domain names can only be done through registrars accredited by EURid. A network of registrars have been licensed or accredited to sell the .eu domain on behalf of the registry.

  • Who is the organisation behind the .eu domain name?

    EURid is the not-for-profit registry for .eu domain names. They are "in charge" of the domain and its organisation - they make the rules for registration and maintain the database. More information on EURid can be found at . Easyspace is fully accredited to sell .eu domain names. Before registering , you must check that you meet the criteria to be eligible for a .eu domain name:

  • How long can I register .eu for?

    .eu domains are available to register for up to 10 years.

  • How do I choose a domain name?

    You can search for a .eu domain name by clicking here. There are a few guidelines you must adhere to...

    • Only letters, numbers and the hyphen (-) symbol are allowed.
    • The minimum number of characters allowed is 2, maximum 63.
    • Hyphens cannot be used at the start or end of a domain name.
    • Hyphens cannot be used together - e.g. m would not be allowed.

    Other domain names may also be restricted by the registry, e.g. some 2 letter domain names what pertain to country codes, etc.

  • I am an Easyspace Reseller; can I offer .eu to my customers?

    Unfortunately, EURid, the registry for .eu has announced that registrars will not be able to offer .eu domain names for resale. Your are of course welcome to purchase .eu domain names from Easyspace.