SPAM / Phishing Domain Name emails.
Just a quick post to make you aware of a rather annoying and concerning set of SPAM and Phishing emails that are doing the rounds amongst domain name registrars including Easyspace. These emails are not from Easyspace. This bunch are basically phishing for your bank and card details, and not only will your domain name […]
Phishing emails – how to spot them…
What is a Phishing email? Phishing is when attackers attempt to trick users into doing ‘the wrong thing’, such as clicking a bad link in an email that will download malware or direct them to a fake website. The senders of these emails want to de-fraud you, either by asking you for details or by […]
Log4j vulnerability
We’re getting in touch to tell you about a vulnerability discovered in the Log4J logging library on Friday 10th December 2021. The Log4j vulnerability is a zero-day vulnerability. What do I need to do? Domain Names, Shared Web Hosting and Email customers. Our teams have been busy in the background, ensuring our Shared products and […]
Secure Payments Upgrade.
As part of our focus on Security and Control, we recently upgraded our payment platform. This was in preparation for changes coming in March 2022 and relates to big improvements in how we all process & use credit/payment cards in the UK and Europe. Say what now? From March 2022, SCA (Secure Card Authentication) will […]
SSL Certificate – What is it and why you need one
It seems as though not a single week goes by without hearing of a company that has just been hacked. While large companies such as TalkTalk and SONY are often the targets for hackers, the fact is the more vulnerable your website is, then the more likely your website is of getting hacked – even […]
February 2017
Excellent service
I was so happy to be able to talk to two helpful guys after only a short wait on the phone. I had no difficulty understanding them - so refreshing after the embarrassing struggles to understand strong accents plus the echo you get when talking to someone in a call centre in India.Both the Easyspace support guys gave me plenty of time to explain my problem and gave me excellent advice. When the final problem was still not solved one of the guys went onto my computer remotely and sorted it out. Such a relief! My stress levels have plummeted..........With my experience thus far I have no hesitation in recommending Easyspace',