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Improvements for 2021/22

Improvements for 2021/22

The Future

We have some news about our plans for the coming year, as usual, lots to do, and many things to improve and build upon.

Our year has focused on improving processes behind the scenes, all preparing for some of the new services to roll-out to our customers. Our working themes for the next 12 months are Security & Control. 

The Internet has changed since Easyspace started in 1997; there are more risks, dangers and unscrupulous people who want to take advantage of other Internet users. Who want to take control over services and payment methods and who wish to de-fraud users online.

Whilst we have worked hard ensuring services are secure over the years, it’s time to double down on our efforts.

We are working hard on all the following projects; some may take time; others are already in the over being baked to perfection…

Projects underway…

·         Secure Domain Forwarding.

·         Secure Card Authentication.

·         Multi-user control panel access.

·         2Factor Authentication on accounts.

·         Hardware & platform upgrades.

Secure Domain Forwarding

Everything is HTTPS these days, you will see that on every decent trust-worthy website you visit.  It’s important, it helps keep the Internet secure, and users safer online by ensuring data to and from websites is encrypted.

A few of our domain name customers asked us develop a product that will forward domain names using HTTPS – so users will know the website is secure when they click on a link and it forwards to the website.  “Good idea!”, we thought.  So, we decided to build it.

Secure forwarding is a very simple product, and one that’s available right now from the customer control panel.  For example – it’s ideal for customers who forward their .uk domain to their or .com domain.  Ideal for customers who are serious about their brand online, and who want to show they are trustworthy and reliable to their website visitors.

It’s the first part of our focus this year on Security and Control. 

More information on why HTTPS is important and why you should use it can be found by visiting –

Secure Card Authentication

We decided earlier this year to change our credit card/payment processor to ensure that the systems we use were ahead of the curve and ready for the introduction (in March 2022) of a new secure payment system called Secure Card Authentication (SCA). This improves the already secure card system we currently use (3D Secure).


This system gives our customers more control of the security and authentication of their transactions. It also helps reduce fraudulent users; this keeps our systems safe, which in turn protects you, our customer, something very close to our hearts.

This is a significant change for us, but we wanted to introduce to continue our campaign for Security and Control. We will do everything we can to minimise any disruption to your transactions, allowing our customers to carry on with their days. Safe in the knowledge that we are keeping you safer online. We will, of course, give you updates on this exciting update as we progress.

Multiuser Account Access

We are working hard to introduce new layers of access and security to the Easyspace control panel, a loooong overdue function. 

We appreciate that you may want different permissions on your account, e.g. billing and finance functions or tech users. We are working on a system that will allow just that – multiple users with different permissions on the same Easyspace account.

Below are the different roles that any of your contacts will be able to perform…


Owner: Owners have permission to perform the tasks of all roles, but with the additional ability to add or remove contacts, and change contacts’ roles.

Technical: Technical Contacts can request usernames and passwords and DNS changes, as well as the vast majority of other issues. Most contacts who currently request assistance from our Support Team will be Technical Contacts.

Billing: Billing Contacts can request or query invoices. Generally, Billing Contacts would be members of your Accounts Team, or a person responsible for finance.

User Administrator: The ability to create users and assign permissions to other users

We hope this be released in the coming months, and one of the best things about this project, is it will become even more powerful with something called Two Factor Authentication (2FA) …

Two Factor Authentication (2FA)…

Two Factor Authentication

One of the main focuses for the team is introducing something called Two Factor Authentication to Easyspace accounts. You guessed it, security and control J

2FA, as it’s sometimes referred to, simply adds a layer of security on an elected account. A user logs in as usual. If you have chosen to use 2FA, you will be asked to enter a unique code from an authentication app such as Google Authenticator.

We understand your services are critical to your business and activities; security goes hand in hand. Whilst 2FA will be elective, we will encourage the use all with a mind to putting you in control of your security.

Our 2FA functionality will be a feature for each level of user access, and administrators will have the option to enable or disable 2FA per user.

Hardware & Platform Upgrades

As the Internet becomes more complex, the risks increase, and we need to invest more time and effort in keeping our users safe and secure.

This is an ongoing process, one that started in 1997 and continues to this day.  We invest millions each year into our infrastructure, hardware and software environments, all with security and performance in mind.

Keeping the hosting infrastructure up to date is of paramount importance. We will be helping many of you move to new upgraded hosting environments in the coming months. This will be done with minimum disruption to your service and maximum assistance from our teams.

Work has already started on our virtual platform, and we are pleased to say that this project has been very successful.  With many of our server customers already moved and happy in their new lightning-fast environments. Thus future-proofing the security and performance of their experience.