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What is Web Hosting?

What is Web Hosting?


What is Web Hosting? It may seem quite technical, complex and maybe even intimidating, but don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple. If you are planning on setting up a website, then odds are you will need web hosting for it, so it’s something you need to understand.

In the video below Easyspace explains what web hosting is all about – in simple, everyday terms that you can easily understand. You will learn about “Shared Hosting”, “Virtual Servers” and “Dedicated Servers” and how they can impact a website:

Best Web Hosting – for Personal & Business Websites

Every month thousands of people choose Easyspace to host their website on – whether its for their personal website or for their business. We have a range of web hosting services appropriate for what you need.

Easyspace is one of the leading web hosting companies in the UK. If you have any web hosting queries then give us a call on 0370 755 5088 – we will find out what you need, and let you know what your options are.

It gets better

Our in-house hosting experts will be able to offer you unlimited web hosting solutions, which will be fast, secure and reliable, plus offering easy website management. Whatever web hosting you need- including popular solutions such as web hosting for WordPress – we can deliver.

What ever questions you have about web hosting, we are happy to explain them to you – so if you want to know what is the difference between domains vs hosting, or what is web hosting and how does it work, or what is web hosting and why you need it, etc – then give us a call today.