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5 Business Card Tips

5 Business Card Tips

Great care should be taken when creating your business cards. When the networking event is over, or when your client meeting is over, what your potential client is left with is your business card, so make sure it gives the right impression of you & your business.

Is your business card professional? Does it convey the best image for your business? A potential customer, who has your business card, will be deciding on whether or not to contact you – and in part this will be based on how clear, easy and professional your details on your business card are.

Follow the tips below, which will help you and your business give the best impression from the very start:

1. Have a professional design
If you don’t have a high level of design skills then consider enlisting the help of a design professional. Your business card will be a part of your brand image so it needs to be of a high standard. Alternatively, some business card providers such as offer business card templates, which enable you to get a professional looking design – however, there’s always the risk that one of your competitors is using the same template as you.

2. Content
Obviously include the basics such as your name, title, email address, website address, contact number, address.

A professional looking email address such as is vital. Having an unprofessional email address such as a or email address on you card screams “AMATEUR” and you will not be taken seriously. An unprofessional email address will make potential clients think your business is unprofessional. So make sure you have registered your domain name for your business – to use both for your email address and your website.

A website address on the card is also a must, even if you don’t sell directly via your website. Having a chat at a networking event or business conference and handing over your business card to a prospect is a good start, but nowadays many people like to go online and checkout your business further, before making a decision – even if it’s just to give them some added reassurance. For example, they may want to see some further background info on your product/services or see some client testimonials. If you don’t have a website, then odds are your competitors will. Getting a website for your business has never been easier, especially with tools such as website builders with which you can get a website up & running in minutes.

Don’t forget to include your phone number. While some people like to email, many prefer a chat over the phone. Also, if your position in the business is Sales, then having your mobile number on the card  as well is highly recommended. Nowadays, many potential clients will expect to be able to get in touch with you, even if you’re out of the office, so make it easy for people to be able to speak to you, so they can place their order.

3. Design Style
Clean and minimal design is best. Your card is to promote your business brand identity. It should not be confused with advertising, so don’t plaster it with sales & marketing info.

Many prefer to have a blank back to their business card, where people you give your card to can jot down some notes after you have given your card to them. While you can include some info on the back of the card i.e. bullet points of the key services you offer, at the very least just make sure your leave some clear space where people can write some notes on your card.

With this in mind, make sure that it’s possible for people to actually be able to write on your card. Don’t make it difficult for people to add a simple note on your card because it has a plastic sheen to it.

4. Card size
Stick with the standard business card size of 3.5 x 2 inches. While having an unusual business card such as one in the shape of a circle or a star, etc. is eye catching, the fact is they don’t fit into binders. Many people use business card binders to keep cards they have received – if your card doesn’t fit, then don’t be surprised if it ends up lost, or in the bin.

5. Tag line about what you do
Too many cards don’t include any information on what either you or your business does. If you’re Richard Branson then you can get away with that, but for most people you won’t get away with it. For example, 6 months after you handed out your business card at a networking event, will I remember what you do if it’s not mentioned on your card? Why would I phone or email you if I can’t remember what you do? Don’t make people have to remember what you do – instead state it on your card.


Lastly, always carry a couple of business cards with you – you never know when or where you’ll have the opportunity to help make a sale.