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Q2 2011 Internet growth – Domain Registrations

Q2 2011 Internet growth – Domain Registrations

According to VeriSign’s Quarterly Domain Industry Brief review, the second quarter of 2011 ended with over 215 million domain registrations across all top-level domain names (TLDs), an increase of 5.2 million (2.5%) since the Q1 of 2011. Overall domain registrations have grown strongly with a massive increase of more than 16.9 million (8.6%) since the Q2 of 2010.

The largest share of the domain names registrations remains with .com even though ccTLD’s, (country code top-level domains) have seen a positive growth in popularity with 3.6% increase (84.6 million registrations) quarter over quarter, with an overall 8.4% increase year over year in the registration base.

VeriSign reports that .com and .net extensions experienced aggregate growth, surpassing a combined total of 110 million registrations in the Q2 of 2011, an increase of 1.8% in the registrations over the Q1 of 2011 – a growth of 8.3% over the same period in 2010.

The new registrations figures for .com and .net registrations totalled 8.3 million throughout the quarter with 9.2% increase in comparison to the same period of the previous year, and 2.7% increase from the fourth quarter.

The top 10 largest TLDs in terms of number of registrations during Q2 were in following order:

  1. .com
  2. .de (Germany)
  3. .net
  4. .uk (United Kingdom)
  5. .org
  6. .info
  7. .nl (Netherlands)
  8. .cn (China)
  9. .eu (European Union)
  10. .ru (Russian Federation)

Top 10 ccTLD Registries by Domain Name base in Q2 2011 where in following order:

  1. .de (Germany)
  2. .uk (United Kingdom)
  3. .nl (Netherlands)
  4. .cn (China)
  5. .eu (European Union)
  6. .ru (Russian Federation)
  7. .br (Brazil)
  8. .ar (Argentina)
  9. .it (Italy)
  10. .pl (Poland)

Various sectors of the global economy may be struggling, but domain name registrations continue to grow strongly!

For full report visit Quarterly Domain Industry Brief review on VeriSign website