According to VeriSign’s Quarterly Domain Industry Brief review, the second quarter of 2011 ended with over 215 million domain registrations across all top-level domain names (TLDs), an increase of 5.2 million (2.5%) since the Q1 of 2011. Overall domain registrations have grown strongly with a massive increase of more than 16.9 million (8.6%) since the Q2 of 2010.
The largest share of the domain names registrations remains with .com even though ccTLD’s, (country code top-level domains) have seen a positive growth in popularity with 3.6% increase (84.6 million registrations) quarter over quarter, with an overall 8.4% increase year over year in the registration base.
VeriSign reports that .com and .net extensions experienced aggregate growth, surpassing a combined total of 110 million registrations in the Q2 of 2011, an increase of 1.8% in the registrations over the Q1 of 2011 – a growth of 8.3% over the same period in 2010.
The new registrations figures for .com and .net registrations totalled 8.3 million throughout the quarter with 9.2% increase in comparison to the same period of the previous year, and 2.7% increase from the fourth quarter.
The top 10 largest TLDs in terms of number of registrations during Q2 were in following order:
- .com
- .de (Germany)
- .net
- .uk (United Kingdom)
- .org
- .info
- .nl (Netherlands)
- .cn (China)
- .eu (European Union)
- .ru (Russian Federation)
Top 10 ccTLD Registries by Domain Name base in Q2 2011 where in following order:
- .de (Germany)
- .uk (United Kingdom)
- .nl (Netherlands)
- .cn (China)
- .eu (European Union)
- .ru (Russian Federation)
- .br (Brazil)
- .ar (Argentina)
- .it (Italy)
- .pl (Poland)
Various sectors of the global economy may be struggling, but domain name registrations continue to grow strongly!
For full report visit Quarterly Domain Industry Brief review on VeriSign website