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Dear customers,

After many years faithful service our old customer control has been put into the control panel retirement home. It’s been given a great pension, and are making sure it’s well looked after. The new shiny replacement control panel – is now fully live.

Thank you for all your feedback thankfully a lot of it positive. More importantly the constructive feedback we received has been both engaging and useful – we are building your suggestions into our development cycle and will give you regular updates here.

We will continue to have our bug report function open within the new Control panel. You can find this in the left hand menu. We know we will only get better by listening and working together to make a good control panel even better.

From everyone at Easyspace – we wish you a happy December, many thanks for your help with the Control Panel change over – your attention is appreciated. Don’t forget the VAT rises in January so if you have renewals to make, or new things to buy – now is the time to do it!

Kind regards, and once again thanks.


P.S. Some of your comments below

This control panel is much easier to use. Mr Walton

Easyspace answer: Thanks Mr Walton – we aim to please and have been analysing how people used the own control panel, and finding ways to improve navigation.

I’m having trouble finding where my Google vouchers live – M Joshi

Easyspace answer: We have recently made improvements to help all customers’ access voucher codes and other great offers from the main left hand side navigation. We hope this helps.

Just launch it. coooooooollllllll ! Customer forever. Mr Foyle

Easyspace answer: Thanks Mr Foyle – we did it ! But we have to keep improving also!

Dear Easyspace – thanks for implementing backup and restore on my hosting packages – can you make them easier to access and easier to download my backups? M Trindle

Easyspace answer: Mr Trindle, we have made significant improvements to the whole backup and restore functions on Easyspace hosting. You can now either choose to overwrite your existing web space or database, or get them via a download link. Your backups are now help for 2 months!

Really easy to navigate, user friendly, great job. Chris

Easyspace answer: Thanks Chris – it’s always great to hear it’s appreciated.

I’ve noticed it’s just got better and better since April – well done! – G Pratt

Easyspace answer: Gordon, what can we say – its been challenging – but we aim to please!

Bulk domain management could be better – please make it so in your new panel – Tristan Golders

Easyspace answer: We have made great strides into making managing larger amounts of domains in our new control panel – we still have more functions and great things to come, we will update you and hope you find the new section useful.

We will continue to build all your suggestions and feedback into the control panel development. We will aim to update this post once a month to keep you all informed.