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Easyspace offering free domains through January

Easyspace offering free domains through January

Easyspace has announced the launch of its first high profile domain name offer of 2010 – free .co. uk domains.

Currently available until the end of January 2010, this offer is the latest in a long line of regular monthly domain offers run by the UK based domain names provider to allow customers to expand their domain portfolios at little cost. Other more recent offers have included 10%, 25%, 40% and 50% discounts on some of the most popular domain name extensions on the Internet.

This current offer allows customers access to a free domain name when they purchase any,, or for a minimum of 2 years from Easyspace.

“The popular TLDs such as .com, .net and .org are becoming harder and harder to find for many businesses, so the next obvious option is to look at Country Specific Domains. We’ve noticed an increase in interest in our Country Specific extensions recently, particularly those such as and, so we’re hoping this offer will allow those businesses to benefit from relevant, local domains at reasonable cost.” comments Errol Vanderhorst, Managing Director at Easyspace.

Easyspace prides itself on being one of the few providers in the UK of such a variety of Country Specific TLDs along with a variety of other domain extensions.

Country Specific Top Level Domain names (such as,, and have long been an accepted alternative to traditional top level domain names, particularly in instances where the preferred top level domain has already been registered. Not only does this Country Specific format of the Top level Domain allow you to include the common .com within the extension, it also allows for localised focus for your business.

Errol continued, “With many of the worlds Search Engines introducing local search results in recent times, there is not such a high focus on acquiring a global domain such as .com, unless you are a truly global company. This has resulted in a many UK based companies looking for UK based domain extensions, if for nothing else, in an attempt to improve their performance in the UK versions of Search Engines.”