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Easyspace keeps policeman in touch with its VPS product

Easyspace keeps policeman in touch with its VPS product

Using the internet to keep in touch with family and friends is a necessity for the modern lifestyle, and Easyspace is making it possible with its VPS range?

Neil, a trainee police officer, relies on Easyspace to stay in touch with family and friends as he travels across Europe, splitting his time between Lancashire and Germany.

He decided he wanted to set up a blog where he could post updates and photographs. He contacted Easyspace one Saturday to discuss his requirements.

By Monday, his first website was up and running on an Easyspace Virtual Server.

Neil said: “Easyspace made the whole process unbelievably simple from the very beginning – the company is definitely true to its name! My background isn’t in IT so I was really relying on Easyspace to help me through the whole process, which they did extraordinarily well.”

Neil took out enough hosting capacity to manage and maintain 10 websites, with his friends and family so impressed with the service that several have asked Neil if he can set up similar sites for them.

Having been let down previously by other web hosting companies in the market, Neil says that one of the great things about the Easyspace service is its reliability.

With five data centres located throughout the UK – a crucial part of Neil’s decision in choosing a provider – Easyspace customers benefit from fully-resilient and mirrored servers.

Neil added: “I’ve had no problems at all since I joined Easyspace, nothing has ever broken! For me the important thing is that your hosting provider just does its job without you noticing it’s there – I just think of Easyspace as whirring away in the background so I can concentrate on the sites without worrying.”

Neil admits that his one experience with the Easyspace technical experts was when he made a mistake during the log-in process, but he added: “It was explained really clearly to me – a few instructions down the phone and I was off again.”

Another attractive feature of Easyspace is its competitive and flexible pricing structure.

By setting the price for web hosting packages based on the requirements of the individual, Easyspace is able to offer tailored prices which reflect specific needs which means customers do not pay for services they will never use.

Neil added: “I now look after five websites, and as a non-expert on technical issues I find it incredibly easy to maintain them. Easyspace hasn’t put a foot wrong from the first phone call, and it’s the very fact that I don’t need to speak to them often, that I like the most!”

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