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‘No.1 Virtual Server Provider’ – three months in a row!

‘No.1 Virtual Server Provider’ – three months in a row!

Easyspace, one of the largest Web Service providers in the UK, has won the “No .1 Virtual Servers Provider” award for the third month running for its range of high quality, low cost, Virtual Private Servers.

The award comes from the influential Web Host Directory who each month encourage its visitors to for vote for the Top Web Hosts in each of its Web Host related categories. At the end of each month the Web Host Directory awards panel visits the top voted Web Hosts in each category, and determines which are most worthy of receiving an award.

This is the 4th award given to Easyspace Server products in recent month, having initially been nominated ‘No. 1 Dedicated Server Provider’ in May, followed by three consecutive monthly ‘No. 1 Virtual Server Provider’ awards over July, August and September.

Errol Vanderhorst, Sales and Marketing Director of Easyspace, commented “We’ve been putting a lot of work into our Virtual Server products of late, so to have those efforts reflected through yet another award is great news. We had already been awarded the title of No. 1 VPS provider for July and August, to receive it again for September shows how appealing our Virtual Server products and pricing are to customers”

The Easyspace Virtual Server is available in 4 packages (3 static and 1 customisable) with prices starting at just £9.95 per month.

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